Your Online Presence

Your website is the clients window to your practice

What’s important?

There is only one thing of importance, and that is how many prospective clients see your website, and out of those how many book with you. If your online presence is good, your website will be delivering a regular supply of clients in the numbers that you want. If it is, then it is doing it’s job well and you don’t need us. If it doesn’t then read on. Your website will be the cheapest form of marketing by far.

Questions you need to ask yourself

If you already have a website there are a few things you need to ask yourself if you want to achieve a good online presence.

  1. Does it bring in highly qualified leads?
  2. Is it on the first page of Google on at least some keywords?
  3. Do you know how it’s performing?
  4. Does it comply with the Five Golden Rules?
  5. Does it portray at every point, your desire to add value to your clients lives?
  6. Does it contain lots of original content?
  7. Can you add, alter and delete content yourself?
Online Presence

If you can answer yes to all of the above then leave it alone, it’s doing all you can ask of it. If the answer is no to a lot of these questions then it needs to be looked at. If you do not yet have a website, the above rules are guides to what you want from a website. Lets look at each point in turn.

Does it bring in highly qualified leads?

You might think that the job of your website is to bring in clients, that is marketing “utopia”. The fact is that in today’s market that rarely ever happens. Your websites primary role should be to bring in POTENTIAL clients so you can start to build a rapport with them. It’s an opportunity for you to give them something in return for their trust and loyalty and in return they just might give you their business.

People buy from people they trust. Build that trust through your website by giving them genuine information that has real value. Just as we have with you by giving you, in full, the Five Golden Rules of therapy marketing so that you can use them in your practice to build your online presence and make a real difference.

Is it on the first page of Google, on at least some keywords?

If you have been in business for any length of time you will have been bombarded by emails and telephone calls that promise to get your website on the front page of Google. These companies generally just want to place adverts for you using Google adwords and they take a cut of your advertising spend. So you are simply paying to be on the front page. Sometimes a lot of money. However, if you can achieve a good organic online presence in google search you don’t need to pay to be there.

To achieve front page ranking on Google takes a lot of work but is quite achievable with the right strategy. This is called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO for short).

To achieve this, quite a few factors have to be in place:-

  • Good original content and lots of it
  • Well written and relevant content
  • Targeting local keywords like towns and counties
  • Each web page properly optimised for maximum impact
  • Incoming links from quality websites

These are just a few of the main components needed to increase your online presence and achieve that front page position on Google. Even with all this, a front page cannot be guaranteed, nor can it be in the future as Google changes all the time, about every six weeks on average.

However, with the above things in place you are likely to achieve front page listing on quite a few keywords which equals lots of visitors.


The Importance of Social Media for Raising Your Therapy Website’s Online Presence

In today’s digital age, we can’t leave out social media, social media plays a crucial role in raising the online presence of therapy websites. While your website serves as the foundation of your online identity, social media extends your reach, helping you connect with a broader audience and build relationships with potential clients.

Here’s how social media can make a difference to your online presence:

  1. Increased Visibility
    With millions of people using social media platforms daily, having a presence on sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter helps you reach far beyond your website alone. Sharing useful content, such as articles, videos, and tips related to mental health, can attract attention to your practice, drive traffic to your website, and make your services more visible to those in need.
  2. Building Trust and Engagement
    Social media gives you the opportunity to build trust with potential clients before they even visit your website. By sharing valuable, informative content and engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and posts, you demonstrate your expertise and show that you care about helping others. This interaction can help clients feel more comfortable and connected to you, encouraging them to explore your services further.
  3. Showcasing Your Expertise
    Through regular posts, you can position yourself as an expert in your field. Sharing articles, offering mental health tips, or discussing various therapeutic approaches helps showcase your knowledge and can provide reassurance to those seeking support. Clients often feel more confident in choosing a therapist they see as knowledgeable and active in their area of expertise.
  4. Strengthening Your Brand
    Social media is an excellent platform for reinforcing your therapy practice’s brand. By sharing content that aligns with your values, voice, and approach, you create a consistent message that potential clients can relate to. This brand consistency helps your practice stand out and makes it easier for people to remember you when they need therapy services.
  5. Encouraging Referrals and Recommendations
    Satisfied clients and followers can share your posts, leave reviews, or recommend your services to others via social media. This kind of organic word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable, as it reaches potential clients through personal connections and trusted recommendations.

In short, social media is a powerful tool for raising awareness of your therapy website and practice. It increases your visibility, helps build trust, showcases your expertise, and encourages engagement. By using social media strategically, you can strengthen your online presence and attract more clients to your practice.