How to Grow a Therapy Practice

Take Back Control from the Therapy Directory Giants

The internet was once a great equaliser. A time when a single therapist could run a small therapy practice, and with some knowledge and a little effort, could compete on a level playing field against the big guys and grow a therapy practice. But for therapists today, that seems like a distant memory. If you’re trying to grow a therapy practice, it feels like you’re not just competing against other therapists anymore—you’re up against therapy directory giants that have taken over the entire search engine results pages (SERPs).

These platforms are huge, churning out tens of thousands of pages, ranking for every keyword under the sun, and squeezing out smaller therapy practices. Worse, once they’ve cornered the search results, they turn around and demand payment from the very people they’ve pushed out. Want to get noticed? Pay them. Want visibility? Pay them again. It’s a vicious cycle of digital extortion.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to pay them to grow a therapy practice. You don’t have to let these platforms take control of your online presence. You can fight back—and we’ll show you how.

The Therapy Directory Giants: Digital Extortion at Its Finest

It used to be possible to grow a therapy practice by creating a great website, optimising it for search engines, and engaging with your community. With a bit of effort and some savvy SEO, you could find yourself on the first page of Google. But now, if you search for almost any type of therapy service—whether it’s “counselling near me” or “anxiety therapy”— you’ll see the same names dominating the results: Psychology Today, Therapy Directory, Counselling Directory, and their ilk.

These therapy directory giants are designed to outcompete you. They generate enormous amounts of content, targeting every possible keyword and location. Their pages are SEO-optimised to the point where they rank for every local term, pushing independent therapists further down the results. And when you’re finally desperate for visibility? They offer you a pay-to-play scheme.

What’s worse, when you’re listed on these directories, you’re just another name in a long list of therapists, competing with hundreds of others on the same platform. Do clients even find you? Do you really stand out? Or are you just lost in the noise?

grow a therapy practice

This isn’t just happening to therapists. It’s happening across every profession—whether you’re a yoga instructor, a nutritionist, or a personal trainer, these massive directories are pulling the same tactics. They dominate the top results and force small businesses to pay for visibility they used to get through hard work.

But here’s the truth: paying them will only make it worse. You’re feeding the very system that’s holding you hostage. That is not the way to grow a therapy practice!

Who’s Dominating the SERPs?

This list identifies the leading therapy types and highlights which big directories dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs) for each one.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Marriage and Couples Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Trauma Therapy / PTSD Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Grief and Bereavement Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Child and Adolescent Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Counselling (General)

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Family Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Art Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:


Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Addiction Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

Online Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:

EMDR Therapy

Top Directories Dominating SERPs:


Stop Paying, Start Growing: How to Grow a Therapy Practice the Right Way

The only way to grow a therapy practice without falling into this trap is to focus on your own online presence. You have more power than you think. With the right strategy, you can beat the therapy directories at their own game. Here’s how:

1. Take Back Control with Local SEO

Local SEO is the ultimate weapon in the fight to grow a therapy practice. Why? Because while therapy directories are great at dominating national or broad searches, they aren’t local.

By focusing on local SEO, you can target potential clients in your immediate area. One of the best tools for this is Local Schema Markup. Schema markup is a piece of code that sits on your website and tells search engines key details about your practice, such as:

  • Your practice name
  • Your address
  • Your phone number
  • Your operating hours

It helps Google understand your therapy practice better and show you in local searches and Google Maps. Want to appear when someone searches “therapy near me” in your town? Local schema is a must. And the best part? It’s not hard to implement.

You can use tools like Merkle’s Schema Generator to create the code, then insert it into your website’s HTML. Once added, test it using Google’s Rich Results Test to ensure it’s working properly. If you struggle We can help you.

2. Build a Website that’s Optimised for Local Search

Directories have thousands of pages, but you only need one great one. Your website is your most valuable asset in this fight. Optimise it for local searches, making sure you’re targeting key phrases that potential clients in your area might use. Think about terms like:

  • “Therapist in [your town/city]”
  • “Anxiety counselling near me”
  • “Best hypnotherapist for depression in [your town/city]”

Make sure your website loads quickly, is mobile-friendly, and provides all the information a potential client needs. Google favours websites that provide a good user experience, so make sure your site is fast, clean, and easy to navigate.

3. Create Locally Relevant Content

Directories might have a lot of content, but their content isn’t personal. You have the advantage of being local and specific. Start creating content that speaks to your local community. Write blog posts, record videos, or create case studies that address local issues or specific client concerns. Here are some ideas:

  • “How Therapy Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder in [Your Town/City]”
  • “5 Ways Therapy Can Help Parents in [Your Town/City] Deal with Stress”
  • “Why Hypnotherapy is a Great Choice for [Your Area] Smokers”

Google loves locally relevant content, and this will not only help you rank higher but also build trust with potential clients. By creating a blog, you’re offering real value, something therapy directories simply can’t do. If you are looking for some inspirations see our page Therapy Article Suggestions for Different Therapies.

4. Build Client Relationships and Get Reviews

Word of mouth, whether online or offline, is one of the most powerful tools for you to grow a therapy practice. Building strong relationships with your clients is key. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on your Google My Business page or other local platforms. Positive reviews can enhance your local search rankings, helping potential clients recognise your expertise and value.

Consider using a service like, which helps you gather Google and Facebook reviews, while also allowing you to display independent reviews directly on your website. This not only drives more traffic to your site but also increases the likelihood of converting visitors into clients. The platform is easy to use and can significantly boost client acquisition by showcasing your strengths through the feedback of your past clients. It’s a smart, straightforward strategy that’s well worth implementing.

Every positive review is a signal to Google that your practice is trustworthy and relevant. And unlike a directory listing, reviews are personal, unique to your business, and a true reflection of your service.

5. Don’t Pay for What You Can Get for Free

The reality is, paying therapy directories doesn’t get you far. You’re just one of hundreds—if not thousands—of therapists listed. Do clients even find you? Or do they get overwhelmed by the choices?

By focusing on your own “Google My Business” profile, you can achieve visibility without paying a penny. Make sure your profile is complete with all the details a potential client needs, such as your services, business hours, contact info, and photos of your practice. Regularly update it and encourage your clients to leave reviews. Over time, this will help you rank higher in local searches, giving you the visibility you’re paying directories for—but for free.

Stop Paying the Extortion Fees: Take Control of Your Growth

The bottom line? Stop paying them. Every time you pay a therapy directory, you’re feeding the system that’s holding you down. The more small therapists pay into these platforms, the more power they have to dominate the market. If you want to grow a therapy practice, the only way to break free is to stop paying the blackmailers.

You have other options. You can build your own online presence, one that you control. Optimise your website, target your local community, and build direct client relationships. You don’t need to rely on massive directories.

Join the Fight: Stand Up for Independent Therapists

This isn’t just a problem for therapists trying to grow a therapy practice. It’s happening across industries—trainers, tutors, legal professionals, and more. Big directories are swallowing up the search results, pushing small businesses out and forcing them to pay for visibility. But if we stand together, we can fight back.

Here’s how you can join the fight:

  1. Share this Article: Spread the word. Share this article with your colleagues and friends. Let them know they don’t have to pay for visibility.
  2. Stop Paying the Directories: Every penny you give them is a step backward. Refuse to feed the beast.
  3. Focus on Local SEO: Implement the strategies in this article. Use local schema, optimise your Google My Business page, and create valuable local content.
  4. Network with Other Local Businesses: Create partnerships with other local professionals, cross-promote, and build community ties. Strong local networks can bring in clients and referrals.
  5. Ask for Reviews: A single Google review can do more for your rankings than any paid listing on a directory. Ask your clients to leave reviews and watch your visibility grow.

Conclusion: Take Back Your Business

If you want to know how to grow a therapy practice, the answer is simple: take back control. Stop relying on therapy directories that only care about their bottom line. Invest in your own online presence, build relationships with your clients, and focus on creating real, local value.

Let’s stand up against the therapy directory giants.

Please share this article, stop paying the blackmail

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